Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dawn Dish Soap Cleans Everything!! (Prom Dresses too!)

So Brittany is going to Prom soon. She is normally EXTREMELY PICKY and will not wear anything used but somehow this dress won her heart when she noticed it one friends instagram sales site. So after contacting the girl and making plans for me to pick it up from school we had our dress. I was amazed at how lucky I had gotten. I got the dress at half the regular cost and it was beautiful. I was so excited I thought about it all day waiting to get home and have her try it on that night. Of course though, the honeymoon faze ended quickly when I was zipping the back for her and realized it was COVERED in stains. SET stains. Apparently the girl we purchased it from had let another girl take it home to try to on and that girl played sports. This appeared to be mud, and a lot of it. Down the side, back, front and even on the inside. It almost seemed as if it were done on purpose. How could someone do this to such a beautiful dress???!!

realizing that I will never find the same dress in time for prom I decided to tackle the stains myself and see what happened. I was VERY nervous about doing this because when we called around to the local dry cleaners they said they could not clean it. I thought for sure if they couldn't do it, I couldn't. One thing I learned from my mother in law is the wonders of Dawn dish soap. The stuff is amazing. All I used was a couple old wash clothes, towels, a big basin, and Dawn.

I did have to do more than one scrub section, but amazingly enough I got the stains out without messing up the material or any of the sequins. <3 Dawn works wonders. All you really need is time, dedication and Dawn. :)

Will post pics of my babygirl on Prom night asap.

Here is the shoes and jewelry we went with..

After hair and nails she is going to look like a Princess <3

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